Monthly Archives: March 2010



Trudy runs her own business selling pendants with healing properties, as well as performing tarot and crystal readings. 

She’s generously agreed to send custom-made pendants to five lucky readers…all you have to do is comment below with your favorite style by Saturday at midnight. I’ll post the winners’ names Sunday…so check back then to see if you won!

My favorite pendants:


Reader Question: Kristin


Q. I’m currently a college senior at XXX University studying journalism who is seeking advice. The exciting thing: I’ll have a degree in journalism this June with no obligations and this raging desire to experience/live in New York. The horrifying thing: I’m not exactly the richest of ladies, and trying to survive in New York on a post-graduate budget with the horrifying prospect of no jobs lined up (or only non-paying internships lined up) is really discouraging. 

Do you have any advice on the first steps I should take?

A. Hi there Kristin! First, don’t worry. This is totally doable. Tough, but doable.

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