Monthly Archives: March 2010


Remember this post from my first week at NonSociety? I decided to experiment by making a grilled cheese sandwich using totally basic ingredients (Pepperidge Farm bread and Kraft Singles), and another using more highfalutin’ stuff (farm-stand bacon and Zabar’s Canadian White cheddar). I wanted to see which one was better, and in this case the Kraft Singles were the big winners

I’d like to start doing this kind of Hi/Lo experiment as a regular feature, and I think I’ll kick it off with egg salad: I’ll make one totally simple recipe, and one fancier one, and then put them through a rigorous testing phase involving Kendrick and me eating them and saying which one we think tastes better.



Breakfast in bed this AM, courtesy of the man who is apparently gunning for the title of Best Husband Ever.

I’m sort of an egg salad fanatic, and saw that Katrina posted a recipe that looked delicious not too long ago. I just make a very basic version (eggs, mayo, salt, maybe a little celery or dill)…do any of you have an egg salad recipe that you think is particularly fantastic?

I have a reason for asking, which I’ll explain in a minute :)


Last night, Morgan and I met up at Wicker Park for happy hour and were so hungry that the above wreckage happened before I even thought to take a photo. We had loaded potato skins (delicious, but I needed more than two), artichoke dip (too cheesy, if such a thing is possible), meh chicken fingers (Kendrick dropped in on us later and ate most of them), and beer.

So the food wasn’t incredible, but it’s bar food - I’m not looking to have my mind blown - and the Happy Hour deals at Wicker Park make it all worthwhile.


- 1/2 price bar menu


Introducing: Reader Q&A!

Going forward, every Friday I’ll be selecting one “Reader Question” to answer here, so if there’s something you’d like advice or an opinion on, email me at with the subject line “Reader Question”.


A better photo of Lemony Engagement Chicken (this one sans parsley), taken a couple of months ago (my camera flash wasn’t working last night, hence the kinda dim shots). 


What you need:

1 chicken, preferably free-range and organic


Last night was my mom’s birthday, so we decided to do a little family-and-friends dinner at their place. Scott and Bruce from 44 1/2 dropped in with an incredible Riesling, which we drank with Lemony Engagement Chicken.

Above, I’m cutting into the space under the drumstick to see whether the juices run clear - the indication that the chicken is cooked…but confession? I sometimes just cut right into the breast itself to check for doneness, because I’d rather have a less perfect-looking chicken than an undercooked one. Also, anyone who would be bothered by the fact that there’s a little cut in the chicken probably isn’t someone I want to have dinner with. 

I’ve always referred to this recipe as “Engagement Chicken,” because a long time ago I read an article in Glamour about a similar recipe for roast chicken that staffers had discovered often immediately preceded a marriage proposal. I don’t know whether whipping one of these things up will put a ring on it, but believe me: this recipe is pure magic. 

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