Many of the residents of Hernando own pontoon boats, and around the holidays they cover them with lights and parade them up and down the river at night - it’s an incredible sight. One that, unfortunately, does not photograph particularly well.
Monthly Archives: December 2009
Yesterday afternoon, Eddie presented Kendrick with this incredible ‘70-style leather jacket. Lucky boy.
I found a cool blog called “The Art of Vintage Leather Jackets” that talks about the history of vintage leather jacket fashion and production.
What you need:
Mini croissants (store-bought is fine)
Muenster & American cheese slices
A spaceship crash-landed in the backyard.
Sharyn makes these incredible lampshades herself. I am in the process of begging her to teach me how.
Kendrick checking out the early-morning view.
On the turquoise dock. I LOVE their hot-pink deck furniture.
Saturday morning, Kendrick and I headed down to the dock for some fresh air.
I’ve had this sweatshirt since maybe third grade (I went to Trinity, on the Upper West Side, until transferring to Dalton in 7th grade), and it is paper-thin and one of the most comfortable articles of clothing I own.
Last night ended with coconut-topped Oreo truffles, which my mom made and brought for Sharyn, and tequila. Good times.
Another view of the glitter stream that runs through Eddie and Sharyn’s living room.