Monthly Archives: September 2009


While Lucy was getting groomed, I watched the dogs run around the play area (there’s a separate area, called “Tiny Tots” - aww - for smaller dogs). I fell in love with the Bernese pictured above, who is also named Lucy.


MSNBC Appearance (Video)

Finally, my MSNBC appearance (this is the second one). I’m not the savviest when it comes to the web, so yes, it took me three days to upload a video. But I think I have it down now, thanks to Meghan’s very patient play-by-play. In any case, in this clip I discuss Michael Moore’s new film, Capitalism: A Love Story, which explores the root causes of the global financial meltdown and hits theaters October 2nd.



The only “exercise” (and I put it in quotation marks because it doesn’t feel like exercise) class to which I can be dragged sans the kicking and screaming is Zumba Latin Fitness, at The Ailey Extension.


My Exercise Routine

Since I started writing this Lifecast, I’ve received numerous emails from readers asking me what my exercise routine is (above, a photo of my favorite form of exercise, courtesy of my husband, circa 2AM - and yes, I fell asleep in full makeup, apparently…helloooo gimlets).

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