Monthly Archives: September 2009


For Kendrick’s birthday, what he really, really, REALLY wanted to do was go to the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. I obliged because a) I guess I have to practice in case we someday have a male child, and b) it sounded kinda fun to me, too.

The Intrepid is an aircraft carrier built in 1943, which went on several tours of duty during and between World War II and Vietnam. It survived numerous attacks, including one double kamikaze suicide attack that left the ship in flames for hours.

I’m not really a museum person (trauma left over from my father dragging me around art museums when I was a child and insisting on reading Every. Single. Informational plaque), but the Intrepid is pretty great. There’s a ton of interactive exhibits, including a display where you can try to perform basic tasks using astronaut’s gloves, and one where you can see what it feels like to be in a lifeboat.

You can also, as we did, try out the G-Force Simulator, which is a claustrophobia-inducing capsule that flings you (me) around while someone else (Kendrick) attempts to shoot down enemy fighter jets. Dear Kendrick: let’s never do that again, please. Take our sons. Thx.


Some of my birthday presents for Kendrick (I was able to get him so many because they’re all pre-owned, from Game Stop). All marital eye contact has come to a halt.

For me, video games peaked with Super Nintendo (which I still have). I love my Wii, but I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Super Mario II (which I own via the Super Mario All-Stars set). I get that today’s graphics have surpassed Super Nintendo by a factor of about a billion, but so help me, side-scrolling makes me happy. The world was a simpler place when there was only one way you could go. In video games, at least.


Me and a Tambourine

I’ve never heard any of Kendrick’s original songs before - this really was my first time ever - and I somehow ended up on stage with a tambourine during the one that he wrote for me (go to the 1:00 mark for the song to start…there’s a bit of a debacle searching for the MIA drummer that takes some time to resolve).


After the Showpaper benefit, a bunch of us slogged through the downpour to Bait & Tackle. I am the only one here with dry hair because, if you recall, I wasn’t allowed to get it wet for three days post-John Sahag treatment, so I wrapped my head in sweaters turban-style for the walk over.

Bait & Tackle had a Space Invaders game, which was pretty great (even though I lost, unsurprisingly). Only Frogger would have been an improvement.



Jordan and Kendrick are the sweetest couple, and so genuinely in love.  It makes me ridiculously happy to watch them together.


Last night was awesome. And I love this photo. (Despite what it looks like, I didn’t actually do a sing-along…this is after the show ended, while he was breaking down his equipment.)

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