This is me on my birthday (hence the very attractive glasses) arranging a bouquet of peonies and lilacs that my girlfriend Lauren brought for me.
Monthly Archives: August 2009
Michael McHale
These chandeliers, from Michael McHale Designs, hang in the window of a store, Studio Mix, that I pass by nearly every day, and I am completely and utterly obsessed with them.
Rosemary-Sprig Steak
Since I’ll be heading to LA for a few days sans husband, I figured I’d make something a little special tonight.
Late-Summer Corn
Peeling some sweet late-summer corn for tonight’s dinner.
Sushi Twist
With Francesca at Sushi Twist, celebrating the fact that my security deposit on my old place was actually returned to me.
Sunday in the Park with Lucy
Lucy in Carl Schurz Park, on the East River, Sunday afternoon.
Jasper, a 3-year-old short-legged terrier, gallantly defended the Henry household from a brief, high-pitched squeak Sunday night. According to safe and sound sources, the 18-pound canine launched from the living room couch upon hearing the peep and darted through the house multiple times in an effort to drive away the intruding sound. During his sweep of the premises, Jasper barked continuously and made brief stops in the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom, and the kitchen again, bravely putting himself between his family and the millisecond-long chirp. “Easy, boy,” Tom Henry, 42, said. “Easy.” As of press time, Jasper is standing at the ready in preparation for the squeak’s return.
July 27, 2009
At Houston’s with Megan Alagna and Julia Allison - what a lovely, lovely evening.
Soho House
At Soho House with Francesca. I am proud to say that I was the only female to actually get in the pool today. Apparently that’s not what one does.
Since you’ll be seeing a lot of her…this is Lucy, the great love of my life.