
Santoku Knives

I have a profound and enduring love for good cooking knives, and the ones pictured above, from Shun Bob Kramer Cutlery, are a knife lover’s fantasy. Hand-crafted by Japanese artisans, the blade is nickel and steel and the handle is red-and-black Pakkawood. Yes, please.

One problem: the one I want – the 7-inch Santoku, third from top – runs nearly $339.95 at Sur La Table. Someday!

Choosing the right kitchen knife is vital: if you have a knife that you love, cooking just about anything becomes infinitely more pleasurable. I myself think you only need two – a 7-inch utility and a 3-inch paring – although many cooks would disagree. Some other knives that are great to have around are an 8-inch chef’s knife and a 10-inch bread knife. I think that it’s worth investing in the best knives you can afford, because if you care for them properly you’ll have them for years and years. Bad knives just get in the way of what you’re trying to do.

An informative article to help you pick the right knife for you: http://www.finecooking.com/articles/how-to-choose-chefs-knife.aspx

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