
MSNBC Appearance

Screen grab of this morning’s appearance, discussing Michael Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story.

See that face up there? See how I look relatively calm, kinda under control?

Well, let me let you in on a secret. That, dear readers, is the face of panic. But I think I held it together rather nicely (promise…clips to come…but be nice! Remember, it was my very first time on live TV).

The thrust of what I said about Moore’s new film is that even though Moore’s political views are more or less in line with my own, and I think that his tactic of utilizing humor to reach a wider audience that may have otherwise disregarded his (very important) beliefs is wholly valid, I suspect that he’s released his film a few months too late. In the spring, it was cool to throw “recession parties” and toss about the (annoying) term “recessionista,” but now…well…personally, I’m sick and tired of talking about the economy. And I fear many of Moore’s most enthusiastic supporters – of which I am one – may feel the same way. Oh, the government committed a crime when they bailed out Wall Street? At this point, anyone with even a passing familiarity with Moore’s work knows that he thinks that.

Moore’s film may be relegated to little more than a fun diversion…but how much of a “fun diversion” is a film focusing on the financial hell our lives have become? My prediction is that Capitalism will underperform even more dramatically than Sicko. The fact is that we’re in a financial crisis, and common sense tells me that people are gonna be more likely to check out a recession-centric film on DVD.

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